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Larp Idea:russian Revolution
Posted by: Scott K (IP Logged)
Date: December 20, 2016 11:56PM

Hello All,

I am considering starting up a Historical LARP based on the foreign interventions in the Russian Revolution.

You may notice the massive image stretching across the bottom of this post; this is done on purpose. It looks like a mess. But thats how complex the Russian Revolution was. There were Brits, Japanese, French, Czechs, Poles, Italians, Finns, Estonians, Ukranians, Latvians, and, yes, Russians, fighting each other over the expanse of the largest country on earth.

My hope is to create a history-based LARP that spans a period of two years that simulaes what life might have been like for a small group of soldiers and civillians in a little village in Russia. The game will be set in 1918 in either area A or T on the map (leaning towards area T). I've gotten some rules and other materials that I'd gladly share with others, and I've been in contact with potential campsites and sponsors.

But what I really need now is two things. One, some help. I can't do everything on my own, and don't think I know everything that I need to know to run this as a one person show. Two, I'd like some assurance-some honest assurance-that this sounds like a premise people would actually try.

All the best,

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