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Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Derek H (IP Logged)
Date: April 23, 2012 02:27PM


I would like to invite people to create a Catalyst Cookbook. Here's what I hope to see:

We'll ask players to submit recipes that are either in the spirit of Catalyst life or that are doable with materials that you can find in Catalyst. These can be any recipe, from drinks to appetizers to meals to "traditional dishes". Once submitted we'll pick the best recipes and put them in a cookbook, to make available to players both as an out-of-game souvenir and (possibly**) as an in-game resource.

Everyone who submits a recipe to this thread will receive 5 UP.
If your recipe makes it into the final book, you will receive another 5 UP.
If you volunteer to compile the recipes and create the cookbook itself, you'll get a decent number of UP, based on the amount of work you had to do.

Let's do it!

** I'll have to discuss this with the cast as a whole, to see how best to implement any in-game repercussions from the creation of this marvelous document!

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Erin B (IP Logged)
Date: April 23, 2012 04:46PM

Love this idea!

Here's a campfire comfort food that I can absolutely picture being enjoyed at a Freeborn Jamboree.

Campfire Baked Apple

1 large, solid cooking apple (Granny Smith, Empire, & Pink Lady work well)
1 Tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1. Cut a small top-shaped "plug" out of the stem-end with a sharp paring knife. Keep the plug to re-insert later; keeping the stem on makes this easier.

2. Use the paring knife or an apple corer to carve out the core and seeds. Do not go through the bottom of the apple if you can help it.

3. Insert the butter, sugar, cinnamon into the apple. Then, re-insert the top plug and double-wrap the apple in aluminum foil.

4. Lay the apple on hot coals for 5 minutes. Then, roll the apple (without puncturing the aluminum foil if possible) so that the second side can bake for an additional 5 minutes.

5. Remove the apple from the coals and allow to cool for a few minutes before digging in with a spoon.

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Michel S (IP Logged)
Date: April 24, 2012 09:24AM

Boar Pot Pie

½ lb Whatever Vegetables you can find (Carrots and Peas)
2 Cups Cream from Boars milk or pressed Bug if pressed (Cream of Celery)
2-5 Chopped Tubers or 1-3 cup Corn Kernels (Preferably Corn)
2 Eggs, Bug or Grinnodactyl
3 Cups Flour
1 Teaspoon Salt (or just buy Puff Pastry Sheets)
2 Tablespoons What ever spices you got (Mrs. Dash)
1 Vial man eating Yeast, Grinner will want at least 2 carbs for it
1 Huck of Boar (Pork or Chicken)

1 Knife, wipe cannibal blood off
1 Largish Mixing Bowl
1 Big ol Glass Casserole Dish
1 Mixing Stick, don’t us the outhouse stick
1 Sturdy Oven

1) Put the Flour, Yeast and Salt into the bowl and crack in the Eggs, some people think the shells provide extra fiber…they don’t. Keep them out.

2) Mix dough with hands until uniform sliminess is achieved, then let sit for one hour.

Note: Wash hands if you feeling a many small noming sensations

3) Take casserole dish and load it up with cream and mix in spices with stick, don’t forget to take the stick out.

4) Ask Vos to go in the other room

5) Cut up boar and veggies into edible chunklets, do not eat to test.

6) Load chucks into dish and add as much corn/chopped potatoes as you need to make up for the ingredients you couldn’t find.

7) If dough is not eating the kitchen staff place it on top of dish

Warring: do not touch dough

8) Set oven to hot, place dish in oven, close immediately and hold shut for 30 minutes or until roaring stops

9) Open oven door and stab meal with knife

10) Let cool/bleed out for ten minuets

11) Serve

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 04/25/12 06:46PM

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Amber R (IP Logged)
Date: April 24, 2012 09:48AM

Brilliant. Thank you!

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Chris M (IP Logged)
Date: April 24, 2012 09:59AM

Question : How edible do these things need to be?

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Rob B (IP Logged)
Date: April 24, 2012 11:42AM

... That was outstanding.

Bonus Pts for creative directions!!

7) If dough is not eating the kitchen staff place it on top of dish

... Classic.

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Derek H (IP Logged)
Date: April 24, 2012 12:49PM

I'd like for people to actually cook these things and eat them, so please go for edible. Of course, you can substitute bug meat with chicken and the like, since bug meat tastes like chicken :-p


Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Rob B (IP Logged)
Date: April 24, 2012 01:36PM


Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Amber R (IP Logged)
Date: April 24, 2012 01:38PM

Cast submissions welcome as well? Between the Freeborn, the Li Golden folks, and the bar(s), we've got loads of things we could contribute to such an endeavor, but I wouldn't want to butt in if its meant to be a player only thing...

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Steph T (IP Logged)
Date: April 24, 2012 02:00PM

What Amber said!

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Derek H (IP Logged)
Date: April 24, 2012 07:34PM



Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Sabrina A (IP Logged)
Date: April 25, 2012 04:13PM

If You'd like to make them Molten just add someof Doc J Melted Chocolate to the top of the cupcakes after youve put the batter in.

Brownie Cupcakes

3/4 cup flour
1/2 cup Doc J Chocolate thats been pulverized (coca powder)
1 teaspoon powder meant for baking or for chemical reactions with vinegar
1/4 teaspoon salt
2⁄3; cup clean sugar (granulated)
2⁄3; cup dirty sugar pressed down (brown)
3/4 cup unsalted butter , melted and cooled slightly
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
3 eggs <-- the ones "Loki" came from


1. Preheat oven to 325F

2. In a small bowl, mix together flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt.

3. In a large bowl, whisk together granulated and brown sugars and butter until smooth. Whisk in vanilla and. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add flour mixture, beating until combined.

4. Scoop batter into prepared pan. Bake in preheated oven for 28 minutes or until a tester inserted into center comes out with a few crumbs attached. The tops of cupcakes will not spring back when touched.

5. Let cool in pan on rack for 10 minutes. Remove from

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Sabrina A (IP Logged)
Date: April 25, 2012 04:25PM

Boar Meat Loaf


1 pound ground boar (pork/beef/turkey)
1 1/4 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped bell pepper
1 egg, lightly beaten, suppose what ever lays the eggs in trees would work.
8 ounces canned diced tomatoes with juice


1/3 cup ketchup
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon prepared mustard


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Mix all meatloaf ingredients well and place in a baking dish. Shape into a loaf.


Mix ingredients for topping and spread on loaf. Bake for 1 hour.

Campfire Style
The only differences, to cut several large onions in half. Hollow them out, cutting up the insides to add to your meat mixture. Keep the shells for later. When your meat is all prepared, place a handful of meat into each half of onion shell, cover with the remaining half. Wrap entire ball in foil. Keep in a cooler until ready to throw it into the fire to cook.

You could also store hamburger mix in a zip-lock and when you have the fire ready, grab a handful of meat and wrap it around a green stick. Cover with foil and seal well around the stick. Cook over the fire.

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Jim W (IP Logged)
Date: April 25, 2012 05:28PM

Dry-Cooked Spicy Steak (煸炒麻辣牛肉, bian chao ma la niu rou)

On 893, we had company rations with supplies of 牛肉, 'niu rou', which is basically the same substance as Dr. Zarra Genaro's 'steak', except it came raw and frozen. We also had a mix of spices put out by Old Grandmother Corporation made of small chili peppers and a number of local spices containing a reasonable percentage of hydroxy-alpha-sanshool, which causes a numbing of the mouth; 'spicy' is an inaccurate translation. An accurate translation would be "numbing and hot", but frankly that sounds like a topical ointment.

The capsaicin and hydroxy-alpha-sanshool served to cover up the taste of ... off meats. It doesn't have to be niu rou. I'm pretty sure we never used gui rou, 'ghost meat', but, well, there were stories.

1 lb meat, cut into small pieces
Ma la spice mix
Hot oil
1 bunch scallions, cut into small pieces (3/4" long)
Standard-issue pot
Standard-issue large wok

1) Parboil your meat for 5 minutes, just until it no longer drips blood when you drain it. Parboiling simply means to cook meat partially by boiling; start a pot of water boiling in your standard-issue pot, drop the meat in, when it is no longer showing pink and it no longer drips blood when you pull it out and squeeze, drain the meat.

2) Heat up a generous amount of hot oil in the wok, and dump the ma la spice mix in.
Crank your heat up to the max.

3) While you're doing this, take your drained meat and coat it with cumin. Be generous.

4) Once the oil is hot, drop the drained, coated meat and the scallions into the wok. Stir. The dish is done when the scallions are cooked; the meat will brown somewhat from the frying. An optimal dry stir fry does not allow water to collect at the bottom of the pot, only oil; if you get a 'sauce', your stir fry is too wet, and next time you need to parboil your meat for longer and drain it more carefully.

timothy xavier

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Alex J (IP Logged)
Date: April 25, 2012 05:41PM

Campfire Banana


3 bananas
1 chocolate bar, (Doc Chocolate will probably help here)


1. Cut the chocolate bar lengthwise into 3 pieces.
2. Without peeling the bananas, cut a thin wedge out of them lengthwise. Save the wedges for later.
3. Place 1 piece of the chocolate bar in each or the recently vacated banana wedge.
4. Replace the banana wedges so you have whole bananas.
5. Wrap the bananas in tinfoil and place them in a fire for about 5 minutes .
6. Remove from fire and enjoy! Spoons are useful for this. Feel free to call Chem Damage 3 through banana if you don't let it cool off a bit!

I like to use a snickers bar, but you can use just about any chocolate bar. Also chocolate chips and marshmellows (if anyone ever gets around to researching them!)

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Chris M (IP Logged)
Date: April 26, 2012 10:09AM

All Day Yak Stew (Beef may be substituted)

3 lb stew chuck Yak, plus oil for browning
2 lb small (red bliss) potatoes, quartered
6 carrots, cut into bite size pieces
4 celery stalks, chopped
1 cup peas (Canned or frozen is fine)
1 large sweet onion, chopped. (Omit if inviting Glitch)

approx 1 quart Yak stock (Beef broth ok)
Approx 2 lb crushed tomatoes (28 oz can ok)

Brown Yak meat in oil,in large stock pot.

When brown, add onion and cook till translucent

Raise pot to simmering height, and add other ingredients. (or cook on low)

Simmer many hours, covered. Stir frequently. Thickening will occur slowly. If too thick, add water. stirring prevents meat from burning on the bottom of the pot.

The acid in the tomatoes breaks down and tenderizes the meat, so the longer you can cook this, the better. Leftovers, if any, tend to taste even better for this reason.

Serve with bread.

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Derek H (IP Logged)
Date: April 26, 2012 10:56AM

I love these! Keep them coming! I want more recipes! MORE!

I especially like when histories are added to the recipe, as well as anecdotes of where the recipes originated. if you can ad that at all, that would be much appreciated!

Thanks! Surprises and rewards forthcoming!

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Amber R (IP Logged)
Date: April 26, 2012 11:33AM

Expect an info dump of recipes from me next week, after ToV!

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Sabrina A (IP Logged)
Date: April 26, 2012 05:27PM

Bullet Soup

FI History
Some freeborn come to a Catalyst, carrying nothing more than an empty cooking pot. Upon their arrival, the citizens are unwilling to share any of their food stores with the hungry freeborn. Then the freeborn go to a stream and fill the pot with water, drop a shotgun shell in it, and place it over a fire. One of the citizens becomes curious and asks what they are doing. The freeborn answer that they are making "bullet soup", which tastes wonderful, although it still needs a little bit of garnish to improve the flavor, which they are missing. The citizen does not mind parting with a few tubers to help them out, so that gets added to the soup. Another citizen walks by, inquiring about the pot, and the freeborn again mention their bullet soup which has not reached its full potential yet. The citizen hands them a little bit of seasoning to help them out. More and more citizens walk by, each adding another ingredient. Finally, a delicious and nourishing pot of soup is enjoyed by all.

4-5 root tubers (carrots onions celery)
spices (parsley, thyme, rosemary, sea salt, garlic powder, savory and sage)
egg noodles
vegetable stock
ground boar meat (dr zarra's steak would work too)
flour for dumplings

boil over a fire until the noodles are tender and dumplings are full and cooked.

If you must know, Ive eaten this for church camping retreat and it is quite tasty.

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Mike I (IP Logged)
Date: April 26, 2012 06:37PM

Thief in Law's Borscht Recipe

Dima's most imfamousThief in Law MaksimilianVolkov was rumored to have ate this meal every day since the passing of his father, Volk Volkov, and his subsiquent elevation to the head of his family. His fathers body was never found...........
It was rumored that this dish was the secret to his longevity.


8 cups broth*
1 pound slice of bone-in wolf shank (other meat could be used)
1 large onion, peeled, quartered
4 large beets, peeled, chopped
4 carrots, peeled, chopped
1 large russet potato, peeled, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
2 cups thinly sliced cabbage
3/4 cup chopped fresh dill
3 Tbsp red wine vinegar
1 cup sour cream
Salt and pepper to taste


1 Bring 4 cups of the broth, the wolf shank, and onion to boil in large pot. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until meat is tender, about 1 hour 30 minutes.

2 Transfer meat to work surface; trim fat, sinew and bone and discard. Chop meat and set aside. Cool broth slightly.

3 Add remaining 4 cups broth, beets, carrots, and potato; bring to boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until vegetables are tender, about 30 minutes.

4 Stir in meat, cabbage and 1/2 cup dill; cook until cabbage is tender, about 15 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir in vinegar.

Ladle soup into bowls. Top with sour cream and remaining 1/4 cup dill.

Yield: Serves 6.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 04/26/12 06:40PM

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Andrew B (IP Logged)
Date: April 27, 2012 12:10AM

Gimel Favorite Campfire Steak Tips

Back before the bomb dropped on Old Catalyst, the kitchen staff used to be rather picky about who could use the kitchen. So how, in Mother's name, was a Gimel supposed to prepare Doc Zarra's steak just the way he wanted without a stove? The result is Gimel Favorite Campfire Steak Tips.
The measurements aren't very specific, what Gimel worth his salt actually uses measurements when making food?

-As much Beef (the kind Doc Zarra can make) as you can get your hands on, cut up into 'tips'
-Enough Sauce to smother the tips made of equal parts Bravo Brew (Clarify: Cola) and "Italian" Dressing (The kind we used to put on our salads back during old Catalyst rec cycles).
-Whatever veggies you can get your hands on. Peppers and onions work best. Some people like carrots in there.

What you'll need
Large bowl
Aluminum foil

What to do
1) In a large bowl (The inside of your helmet works surprisingly well...) mix the sauce.
2) Add the cut up beef to the sauce (Optional: It is best to let the steak sit in the sauce for a day or so)
3) Create a 'bag' out of a double layered large square of tin foil, pour enough sauce and beef into the bag to fill it half way.
4) Fold the bag closed, leave a small opening at the top to vent it (So the bag doesn't split, and to allow it to boil over if needed)
5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all the sauce and beef has been used up.
6) Set on the edge of a (preferably large) camp fire, ideally in or near hot embers. Leave to cook for several hours*
7) Use gloves, or tongs to remove the bags from the fire, open up, and enjoy. (A large enough dose of Grinner's laughing gas could replace gloves/tongs here, but is not recommended)

*It is important to ensure the meat has had time and enough heat to cook all the way through. If you remove a bag, and the meat has not cooked entirely, put it back in the fire, and wait. Trust me.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 04/27/12 12:12AM

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Mike I (IP Logged)
Date: April 27, 2012 06:58PM

Dima stew.
The hard econonic times had reached every corner of Dima except for Windfall. Families had to make due with what ever was available. With the minimal wages paid to the average family they couldn't afford to buy anything more than they could grow borrow or steal. Root vegetables were the most suited to grow in Dima's climate so they were the primary ingredients in most meals.

2lb. what ever meat is available (no really, any form of protein)
4 large white potatoes
2 large yellow onions
6 stalks celery, include leav.es
1/2 gallon water
1/4 cup flour
salt and pepper
2 cups of last weeks drippings (broth)


1 Boil meat until it falls from the bone. Cut into small bite sized pieces ( fat as well ) and return to pot with some salt and pepper and keep on slow simmer.
2 Peel and cut potatoes into bite size chunks.
3 Roughly dice the onion and celery. Add all vegetables and drippings to the pot and bring to a boil. Simmer low until vegetables are done. Thicken with a mix of flour and cold water. Taste for salt or pepper.
4 Serve in deep soup bowls with biscuits on the side.

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Sabrina A (IP Logged)
Date: April 29, 2012 02:16AM

Chocolate Smoothies!

Well ever since i heard about squeaks and the refrigeration floor he found in aleph I figured we could make smoothies. All wed need is some of doc j chocolate and then wed have to get squeaks to make it into ice cream. And then we need vos to find a boar in heat so we can collect milk. And then we borrow krystals blender.

Sounds like a recipe for success there.

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Rob B (IP Logged)
Date: April 30, 2012 11:38AM


Serves: ME (and Dominic if he's around)
Prep Time: 30 Min
Cook Time: TOO LONG (hour and a half)

2 Tbsp + 1 teaspoon butter, divided
garlic (minced), divided
3 lbs steak bottom round steak, at least 2 inches thick
3 md apples (diced with peel)
brown sugar
more sugar
1 cup breadcrumbs (made with whatever is available)
at LEAST 1 lb bacon (I say 2 lbs m'self)
as much chocolate as you can get (that is a unit of measure, shut up)


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. In small skillet melt 2 tablespoons butter over low heat.
3. Add garlic, and diced apples.
4. Cook, stirring occasionally. Add sugar, cinnamon and brown sugar and continue to cook until apples caramelize.
5. Remove from heat; stir in bread crumb mixture.
6. Cool to room temperature.
7. Place steak on work surface.
8. With knife cut pocket in meat by slicing steak almost in half lengthwise.
9. Open pocked; spoon in your stuffing.
10. Wrap steak in bacon, tightly to close pocket. Use toothpicks if ultimately necessary
11. Melt remaining, butter and add garlic, then brush over your bacon-steak.
12. Cook steaks in a roasting pan
13. Melt chocolate by whatever means necessary (pot over boiling water, with a bit of milk if available ect...)
14. Cook 18 to 20 minutes per side for pink and nom (medium-rare).
15. When done level onto plate and drizzel with melted chocolate sauce. For maximum delicious you should NOT BE ABLE TO SEE THE STEAK UNDER ALL THE CHOCOLATE!
16. If Tasalovs or Dominic are visiting you may want to portion or just make more of these to share.
17. Find people you don't like and let them watch you eat for maximum enjoyment.

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Rob B (IP Logged)
Date: April 30, 2012 11:47AM

Alternate Recipe for the lazy

Chocolate Apple Steaks w/ Bacon

1 "can" applesauce (you basically take an apple... core it... and punch it til its' sauce. For maximum effect use a gimel for this process.)
1 cup apple juice (we do not suggest the previous method. Takes them WAY too long to get juice. Just ask to use a blender.)
1/4 cup cocoa powder (extortion of Doc J is suggested but not required)
3 cloves minced garlic
3 tbsp. fresh ground black pepper
2 tbsp. soy sauce (ask Li Golden)
2 tbsp. hot sauce (that awful ginger liquor could substitute here, but isn't recommended)
steak (as much as you can get your hands on)
bacon (at least one boars worth)

Directions: Mix the applesauce, apple juice, cocoa, garlic, pepper, soy sauce and hot sauce in a blender or with your mixer until well blended. Marinate steaks for at least 1 hour, longer is better if time permits. Remove Steaks from marinade and wrap in bacon to cook. Best cooked over hot coals to rare or medium.
Rest of marinade should be used for maximum comedy. Attempt to pay gimel to drink it for resources. Record results for medical posterity. Best if eaten in front of Vos while remarking how tasty bacon is.

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Derek H (IP Logged)
Date: April 30, 2012 04:51PM

We're close! Send me more recipes! MORE RECIPES!


Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Mike I (IP Logged)
Date: April 30, 2012 06:43PM

LUDDITE Jerky (With luddite friendly directions)

Find aminal
Kill animal
Gut animal
Slice meat from aminal NO FAT
Cut thin same was meat goes
Throw salt and pepper at cut meat
Hang cut meat from rope on hot day
Eat when meat is not spongy.

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Anton Carrera (IP Logged)
Date: April 30, 2012 06:59PM

Mudder's Milk
2 Scoops Chocolate Ice Cream
2 Scoops Peanut Butter Ice Cream
1 Morhership Approved Protein Bar
1 Cup Boar Milk
1 Serving Mothership Approved Chocolate Pudding
Add Ingredients to Sediment Agitator, blend on low 1-2 minutes or to desired consistency.
Serve with micro-shovel

-Josh Marcus
Head of Plot, FI 3

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Chris M (IP Logged)
Date: May 1, 2012 09:06AM

(I am not clever enough to turn this into a Catalyst-themed recipe. However its too good not to share, IMNTBHO, so if anyone CAN do it, I'll split the UP with you)

Dessert "Nachos"

1 can Apple Pie filling, chopped into small nuggets
1 pint premium ice cream (Vanilla, Dulce de luce, Apple Pie, or other sympathetic flavor) softened
Caramel topping
Whipped Cream
Cinnamon-sugar Pita chips (Stacy's or other)

Mound ice cream in the center of a large plate

Heat Apple Pie filling, then spread over ice cream.

Generously drizzle caramel topping over apples.

Apply whipped cream (approx like one would apply sour cream to nachos)

Use Pita chips to scoop (they may be heated slightly, if desired)

Applebees did something like this maybe 15 years ago, so the idea isn't mine

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Brandon W (IP Logged)
Date: May 1, 2012 10:25AM

Quarantine Zone Stew
In the latter days of the Quarantines on Core, and during the Glorious Revolution, Citizens were required to provide for themselves more often than not. While emergency and survival rations were preferred, few could afford them and there was never enough to go around. As meat (and meat animals) became scarcer, certain unusual culinary traditions were adapted to suit circumstances. Quarantine Stew, or as me grandad used to call it, Sonovagun Stew or McCallister Stew, is made from the bits left over when the good meat is nothing but memory. This recipie assumes you've been able to find a cow (I spent a little time in an agri-zone, where I was introduced to the meal), but in a pinch nearly any animal can substitute; cow, deer, dog, horse, short pig, long pig, even rat (though rat generally makes a better chili, once you've done away with the bones and inedible offal).

2 pounds of lean beef

Half a calf heart

1 ½ pounds of calf liver

1 set sweetbreads (that’s the thymus gland for you city slickers)

1 set of brains

1 set of marrow gut

Salt, pepper to taste

Chemically synthisized hot sauce

Cut the beef, liver, and heart into one inch cubes. Slice the marrow gut into rings. Place these ingredients into the Dutch oven and cover with water. Let it simmer for 2 to 3 hours. Add salt, pepper, and hot sauce. Chop sweetbreads and brains into small pieces and add to stew. Simmer another hour.

For best taste, don't look at your spoon while eating. It fills the belly, but that's about as much as can be said for it.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 05/04/12 12:59AM

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Amber R (IP Logged)
Date: May 1, 2012 10:53AM

Just when I thought I couldn't love a non-chocolate dessert...

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Sabrina A (IP Logged)
Date: May 2, 2012 07:33AM

Isn't sweetbreads intestine/stomach?

Edit: Sweetbreads or ris are culinary names for the thymus (throat, gullet, or neck sweetbread) or the pancreas (heart, stomach, or belly sweetbread) especially of the calf

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 05/02/12 07:35AM

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Nathan S (IP Logged)
Date: May 7, 2012 10:04PM


A classic of military mess halls, Creamed Chipped Beef on Toast or "@#$%& on a Shingle" is a versatile and adaptable recipe for hearty energizing fare. Though traditionally made with dried beef, It can be made with any kind of meat, dried, fresh or frozen. Besides the meat, all that is absolutely necessary is some form of fat, milk, flour, and starchy base (bread, rice, potato, biscut). Ideally you would additionally add some form of seasoning, salt and pepper at a minimum, Worcestershire sauce and parsley if you can acquire such luxuries.

This is a vintage military recipe to feed 60 soldiers:


- 15 pounds chipped beef
- 1 1/2 pound of fat, butter preferred
- 1¼ lbs of flour
- 2 12-oz cans of evaporated milk
- 1 bunch parsley
- ¼ oz pepper
- 6 quarts beef stock


1) Brown the flour in the melted fat.
2) Dissolve the milk in the beef stock, and then add that to the pot.
3) Stir this together slowly to prevent lumping, and then add the beef.
4) Cook for a few minutes, add the parsley, and serve over toast.

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Derek H (IP Logged)
Date: May 8, 2012 12:21PM

You guys are great! Keep them coming, Cast and Player alike!


Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Kyle T (IP Logged)
Date: May 10, 2012 11:55AM

For when you just can't get enough chocolate....

Note: This is going to require a good amount of chocolate, so you will need to persuade Doc J to make as much as the day we went into the bunkers...

Catalyst Chocolate Wads

For the Wad Cake
-5 ounces of Doc J's unsweetened chocolate, chopped
-1 cup water
-1/3 cup of room temperature cheese (mascarpone)
-2 1/4 cups sugar (yeah, that much sugar)
-1 cup vegetable oil
-3 large eggs
-1 tablespoon synthesized vanilla
-3 cups flour
-1 teaspoon baking soda
-1 teaspoon salt
-1/2 teaspoon baking powder
-1 cup (6 ounces) more of Doc J's semisweet chocolate, chipped

For the Chocolate Topping
-1 cup (6 ounces) even more of Doc J's semisweet chocolate, chipped
-2/3 cup heavy whipping cream
-1/2 teaspoon synthesized vanilla

Special Equipment - (2) 12-count muffin pans


For the Cake:

Place an oven rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 325 degrees F.

Combine the unsweetened chocolate and water in a small saucepan over medium-low heat. Stir constantly until the chocolate is melted, about 2 minutes. Cool for 2 minutes. Whisk in the cheese until the mixture is smooth.

Beat the sugar, oil, eggs, and vanilla in a large bowl for 30 seconds. Stir in the cheese mixture. Whisk the flour, baking soda, salt, baking powder, and chipped chocolate in a medium bowl. Add the dry ingredients to the chocolate mixture. Stir until just blended.

Divide the batter among the prepared muffin pans. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until a tester inserted into the center of a wad comes out with no crumbs attached. Cool the wads completely before dipping, about 1 hour.

For the topping:

Place the chipped chocolate in a small bowl. Combine the heavy cream and vanilla in a small saucepan over medium-low heat. Cook until small bubbles appear on the outside edge of the cream. Pour the hot cream mixture over the chocolate. Using a fork, gently stir until all the chocolate is melted and the mixture is smooth.

Dip the tops of each wad in the topping and transfer to a baking sheet. Place the dipped wads in the refrigerator to set, about 15 to 20 minutes. Allow them to return to room temperature and console Doc J for making that much chocolate again before serving.

Yeah it takes a long time to make these, but it is well worth the wait! (There is so much chocolate in these cupcakes that you have to question yourself before you grab another one because you don't want to slip into a food coma.)

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Michel S (IP Logged)
Date: May 21, 2012 09:01PM

Newman’s Own BBQ Bacon Loaf Samwiches

lot-O-meat (2lbs Beef)
Boar Belly (3 Strips Bacon)
Haft Loaf Potato Bread, trace amounts of fusion may be necessary
Cheesium Ore (Cheddar)
Soft Cheese, if too hard keep in back pocket for a day (Creamy Swiss)
One Egg
Spices (Mrs Dash, Garlic salt)
Grain Rolls (Large Hot Dog rolls or small sub rolls)
Red Mud (BBQ Sauce )

Big Bowl
Tader Smasher
Metal Sheet

1) Rip up bread and two bacon strips into smallish pieces and put in bowl.

2) Crack egg into bowl and mix in with spices

3) Smash soft cheese and meat in.

4) Form a flat square of the meat/cheese

5) Shredded Cheese ore into center of meat flat

6) Fold up like a burrito with a cheesy center then place a strip of bacon on top

7)Bake at 425 for 40 minuets

8) Take out of oven

9) Eat bacon strip

10) Slice loaf then stuff into rolls with red mud

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Matthew A (IP Logged)
Date: June 11, 2012 10:11PM

I just saw this thread and I think the CDF need some lovin too.

CDF Grunt Bars

Minutes to Prepare: 10
Minutes to Cook: 3
Number of Servings: 16

1 cup Honey
0.5 cup corn syrup
1.5 cup brown sugar
1 cup natural creamy peanut butter
6 cups Special K cereal
0.5 cup shredded coconut
4 scoops Isopure vanilla whey protein isolate

Bits of Chocolate, toffee or fruit can be added for flavor also.

Mix together in a large mixing bowl the cereal,coconut,and protein powder(toffee chips optional),set aside.
On medium heat mix the honey,corn syrup,and brown sugar together stirring constantly to prevent burning. Bring to a rolling boil and boil 1 minute,then mix in the peanut butter. Continue stirring until boiling and boil 1 minute more.
Immediately pour hot mixture over cereal mixture and combine well. Mold into a well greased 9x13 inch pan,pressing down firmly. Let cool and harden completely then dump out onto cutting board and cut into 1 1/2 x 4 inch bars.

*Recepie by SparkPeople user MOOSIEHE.

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Keenan R (IP Logged)
Date: July 30, 2012 02:57PM

Biscuits With Deer Maple Gravy,

This meal will feed 3 hungry freeborn, or six average citizens when othere meats is geeting scarce.


• 1 cup self-rising flour (Aleph ingenuity or laziness, you decide)
• 1/2 tablespoon white sugar (aka not mixed with dirt)
• 2 tablespoons butter, melted
• 3/4 cup milk
• 2 tablespoons butter
• 1 pound boneless venison steak, cubed salt and ground black pepper to taste
• 1/2 cup chicken broth
• 1 cup milk
• 1 tablespoon maple syrup
• 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
• salt and ground black pepper


Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). Grease a baking sheet.

1) To make biscuits first mix the self-rising flour and sugar together in a bowl and stir in the melted butter and 3/4 cup of milk.

2) Knead the dough very lightly for 5 to 7 times or atleast until it barely hangs together (kinda like your spine dose after a brutal backstab). Now roll it out to 1/2 inch thick on a floured surface. Cut biscuits with the rim of a glass dipped in flour. (You can also use a Petri dish from your biology kit if you got one handy)

3) Bake in the preheated oven for 12 to 14 minutes, until the biscuits are golden brown.

4) Now melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a large skillet over medium heat, and place the deer meat into the hot butter.

5) Sprinkle the meat with salt and pepper, and pan-fry until golden brown, about 5 minutes should do the trick. Now remove the meat and place on a platter.

6) Pour the chicken broth into the skillet and bring to a boil while stirring the browned bits off of the bottom of the skillet with a wooden spoon. Now add 1 cup of milk and the maple syrup but keep stirring and whisk in all-purpose flour until smooth.

7) Now bring the gravy back to a simmer, add salt and pepper to your taste and allow to thicken, whisking to avoid lumps.

8) Add the deer meat to the gravy, and simmer until the gravy is thick, 5-10 minutes.

9) Serve over biscuits.

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: James R (IP Logged)
Date: July 30, 2012 10:24PM

So many recipes need my chocolate...

I gotta convince someone in my family who's a better cook to try these.

Re: Catalyst Cookbook!
Posted by: Amber R (IP Logged)
Date: July 31, 2012 02:29PM

My first cycle as a new thaw on Catalyst, a friend of mine was pesterin' me mighty about what was going to be for dinner that night, since I usually got such things planned out to make the best of what little we had to spread around at the time. Well, that day, I hadn't a plan for dinner, and each time I were asked, I just answered "I Don't Know!"

By the end of the day it was quite a joke, so when I disappeared into the pantry and emerged with a few scant ingredients, we were all waiting to see what I'd make with it (myself included, to be honest).

Here's what the cupboard yielded that day, and its come to be a recipe I've made many a time since, as it was favored by the folks who ate it that first night around the fire.

-Mother Grace

"I Don't Know Casserole"

1 pound whatever meat you got handy, ground up
1/2 pound of frozen or canned/drained corn kernels
1 tin of black beans, drained of excess liquid
1 small jar of salsa (or tomatoes, onion, cilantro, jalapenos & a lime if you're feeling ambitious enough to make your own)
1/2 pound of dried pasta

Cook the pasta how you like it, drain it and set aside.

Fire up a skillet over a medium flame. Scramble and brown up the meat. If its real lean, like chicken or bug, you might want a touch of oil of some kind, depends on taste.

Once the meat is browned up, toss in the corn, the black beans, and the salsa. Cook til heated through.

Toss in the pasta.

If'n the dairy farmers have been generous, and you made a good trade and are feelin prosperous, then by all means top this off with some shredded cheese or maybe even some sour cream. With or without, its a good nutritious and tasty meal at the end of a hard day's work.

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