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Posted by: Erin B (IP Logged)
Date: August 22, 2019 02:32PM

Mangle seems to be overkill in most cases where a Maim would do. However, I'm thinking that, barring receiving a Cure Mangle or undergoing Surgery, Mangle persists even through a trip to the Rez Bed to warrant the high cost of the effect. Is this the case? If so, the rulebook needs to be modified to specifically state that.

Re: Mangle
Posted by: Josh M (IP Logged)
Date: August 22, 2019 06:36PM

Thank you for catching that, Bleed, Drain, and Mangle are all meant to function that way, requiring a specific Cure to fix. They persist through the RezBed until Cured or the Event ends. We will make sure to update the Rulebook with that.

Side note: Cast may sometimes “Rez” during multi-wave Combat without such an Effect still on them, as oftentimes the offscreen Rez is meant to simulate larger numbers than we can feasibly represent with available cast, but inside of a wave of combat these will definitely be useful to put somebody down. Cast is not trying to be cheesy, their previous incarnation is not gonna rejoin the fight, but we ask you all to please roll with the necessities of available numbers. Thank you.

-Josh Marcus
Head of Plot, FI 3

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