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Spring 2 Research & Development Cycle
Posted by: Josh M (IP Logged)
Date: June 4, 2020 12:11AM

Hi everybody!

Future Imperfect 3 is a game where your character’s actions and activities can and will have profound effects upon the world and themselves. In order to keep track of this, we ask you to keep us in the loop by noting them in your PELs so we can hear how you felt about them, and, crucially, noting it in these surveys. It is crucial to us taking your actions into account as we update your characters and our notes on the current state of the world that you fill out these brief surveys.

DO NOT PUT THESE THINGS IN THE LEARNED SECTION OF YOUR PELS. That is strictly for things learned In Game (Blueprints, Formulas, Modifiers and Procedures) during the Event, and it helps our process to have that be as streamlined as possible.

If you want to keep a record of this in your PEL for personal use & reference that is totally ok, just please put it in the main body of your PEL.

Submitting a PEL is required for getting your Development Actions processed, if you do not submit one you will not reap the benefits of your Between Game Actions (BGAs).

DEADLINE: June 14th, Midnight, is the deadline. Please get them in sooner rather than later if you can, this year there's no telling what craziness will crop up!

World Development Actions
Everybody gets one, and only one. These are considered to be mutually exclusive uses of your time.
World Development Actions

Personal Development Actions
Everybody gets one, Alephs get a second one in their Sciences (Aleph Yameen: Bio, Math, Psych & Aleph Semohl: Chem, Math, Physics), and some Perks may grant another. An extra one can usually be bought in the UP Store. These are considered to be things you can work on in your spare time while doing other stuff with the bulk of your time.
Personal Development Actions

Miscellaneous Actions
You might have any number of fortunate or unfortunate things happen to you during an event that we ask you to tell us about in your PEL. This is the place to report it officially.
Examples: You contracted a disease or an addiction (“Inflict” calls). You joined a Coalition. Somebody on Cast or a Hazard sign told you to note in your PEL that you had come into contact with MacGuffin #1. Etc.
Miscellaneous Actions

Research Projects
You only get one of these per Season during which you attend at least one Event. These represent a significant amount of time, effort, training, and/or damn lucky coincidences that teach you how to do something.
If you attended any Event this season it qualifies you for a Research Project at the end of the Season.
Research Projects

-Josh Marcus
Head of Plot, FI 3

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 10/23/21 04:50PM

Re: Spring 2 Research & Development Cycle
Posted by: Erin B (IP Logged)
Date: June 4, 2020 11:27AM

Miscellaneous actions are also for reporting getting cured, treatment, or going cold turkey for an addiction.

Re: Spring 2 Research & Development Cycle
Posted by: Rhiannon C (IP Logged)
Date: June 4, 2020 04:57PM

I forget. If we completed Perk Trials, do we make a Misc. Action to note that or is saying "I did this" in the PEL good enough?

Dr. Siadona Briggs, PhD
Chief of Psychology
Board President, Pioneer Medical Center

Re: Spring 2 Research & Development Cycle
Posted by: Josh M (IP Logged)
Date: June 6, 2020 09:30PM

Normally we ask you to note it in a Miscellaneous Action to make sure it gets linked to your sheet.

This time around we went ahead and linked them directly since this Season has had a number of real world hiccups interfere with the Research Cycle and we wanted to push out the Payloads for the Virtual Event Wargame minigame.

So, the answer is, “Normally, yes. A miscellaneous actions lets us know you’ve completed the trial and we should add it to your updating area. This particular time around, we added them ahead of time, so just noting it in your PEL is fine. We love to hear about the stories that come from Perk Trials, it helps us generate new ideas.”

-Josh Marcus
Head of Plot, FI 3

Re: Spring 2 Research & Development Cycle
Posted by: Richard S (IP Logged)
Date: June 14, 2020 06:34PM

I forget, which one do we submit having learned things?

Re: Spring 2 Research & Development Cycle
Posted by: Rhiannon C (IP Logged)
Date: June 14, 2020 10:37PM

Learning and teaching Procedures, modifiers, etc goes in the bottom section of the PEL.

Dr. Siadona Briggs, PhD
Chief of Psychology
Board President, Pioneer Medical Center

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