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Dev, Misc, Research Forms! Fall 2!
Posted by: Steph T (IP Logged)
Date: October 23, 2017 12:00PM

Please use these Google Forms to submit your dev actions, research, and miscellaneous requests!

Please DON'T also put it in the PEL - Learned box, as this creates a lot of extra work for me.

Tell your friends!

Dev actions: docs.google.com

Research: docs.google.com

Misc actions: docs.google.com
(This is stuff like infected with/cured of a disease, had a Psychosis treated, took an Addictive AMP, finished a Perk trial, didn't finish your Perk trial but want it on your sheet again, or other "put this in your PEL" type stuff.)

Edited 2 times. Last edit at 04/23/18 11:21AM

Re: Dev, Misc, Research Forms! Fall 2!
Posted by: Steph T (IP Logged)
Date: October 24, 2017 12:07PM

Research FAQ:

Yes, you can count the cap increase you intend to buy once the UP Shop opens towards your prereqs for doing research.

No, you can't count the cap increase from the Winter One-Day, we're going to try to have the research ready for you AT the one-day.

If you really want to fill up those last few points of cap, you can ALWAYS send us a few dollars towards our budget. paypal.me/stephtyll - use the no-fees option and add a note that it's for FI general use. I'll give you point-per-dollar and put it towards props, newbie fund, feed-a-cast, or any of the many other things we spend our budget on. smiling smiley

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