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Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Whitney M (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 05:11PM

Did you like the lights in the forest? Did you even know they were there? Did you think they were terrible?

I want your feedback so I can either keep doing something cool or do something better!

Magnus Rymaus Blair Allen

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Steph T (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 05:13PM

I can only speak for picking up a bunch of them during cleanup site walk. :-(

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Chris M (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 05:13PM

Not that ori ever goes outside at night.... but, um, I heard they were helpful in seeing where the path was, but also confusing if you didn't already know the layout of the path....

Orehitna Cresrore
CEO /Operator Catalyst Card Room (Now on Touchstone)
Three Man Statistician / Coffer minder / Administrator

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Wendy M (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 05:16PM

I adored them. Its so dark out there, and very easy to loose the trail.

Rymaus Liena “Ellie” Dax

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Sabrina W (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 05:20PM

Loved the idea but I also cleaned up quite a few during clean up. Sorry if I missed some, Steph!

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Steph T (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 05:21PM

Brad and Lara and I will magnanimously forgive you, because you are sweet.

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Andrew B (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 05:24PM

I think it's a solid idea, but personally hated it in practice.

I've got pretty solid night vision as it is, and all the lightsticks did were blind me and force me to rely on them 100%. I'd have prefered being able to see. (Srsly, night vision = 100% killed)

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Whitney M (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 05:38PM

I am 150% sorry to anyone who had to pick them up. I had it on my morning logistics list for Sunday, and utterly failed to do that. Next time I will actually make sure they are cleaned up.

Andrew: Do you think red ones would be better? Or if I could find dimmer ones?

Magnus Rymaus Blair Allen

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Ryan P (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 05:42PM

mmm I like the idea of promoting safety in the woods by the use of glow sticks, but then you have to deal with the clean up and the mess and some times the potential hazard of broken sticks.

I agree with Andrew, its a solid idea, however, maybe some improvements can be made? I sorta wish there was power out there for lights but I dont think many owuld agree to that as it'd kill their night vision as well.

Doctor Christopher Marcetti Valentine - "Snowman/Seven"
Retired CDF Fostrum
Assistant Chief Surgeon - M.E.

"Nothing will drive a man harder then Revenge. And there is no force on this world or mother that will stop them" ~ Unknown

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. I dont have it, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. I will find you and I will kill you." ~ Some famous actor some where.

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Amber R (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 05:43PM

As a cast member out in the woods at night, I found them invaluable and a wonderful addition. Thank you!

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Erin B (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 06:19PM

Red glowsticks should mitigate the loss of night vision while still giving off enough light to guide. I didn't go out to the woods after dark but I would have had less opposition to doing so if I knew they were out there. Placing them at the edges of the path (I found a bunch in the middle of the paths) would help too.

I, too, wish that we could have -some- light out in the woods and basically everywhere at night. Red light would add to the atmosphere, right? The transitions from light to dark and vice versa are brutal.

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Robert S (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 06:23PM

I didn't like them for the same reason Andrew stated. My nightvision sucks and they killed what little adjustment my eyes had made. That said, if they helped people not get hurt, I'm a fan.

Colonial Council, Retired
CDF, Retired

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Whitney M (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 06:31PM

Yeah, that makes sense. They were brighter than I expected, and much more white than blue.

It seems like red might get rid of some of the downsides, while making it so folks who found them useful could still have them.

Magnus Rymaus Blair Allen

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Andrew B (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 06:45PM

I found that they didn't do much to illuminate the surrounding area, but did a great job at 'guiding' people who were willing to trust their placement so that you were able to stay on the path.

Because they weren't illuminating the area around them at all I think dull red lightsticks would be a fantastic idea, as you have the same guiding factor while also mitigating night-vision loss.

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Brian P (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 07:09PM

I have no problem with night vision, so I can usually navigate just fine without them, but I didn't feel they had any negative impact on my night vision.

The white-blue worked just fine for me. I didn't look directly at them, just used them as a general guide, and it was all fine. I think a lot of cast members who don't know the site as well as the veterans really appreciated them, so I hope they don't go away!

Changes in color wouldn't influence me either way. So, if people really think red glowsticks would be better, then I guess try it out.

Brian Paul!
-Prop Boss, Plot Team, Rules Comm, Other Stuff

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Chelsea S (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 08:06PM

As a yellow banded player, those helped A LOT when I ventured into the woods at night. I could see the ankle breakers and 'oh my god the injury got worse' roots with them. Thank you for doing that. The color really wasn't a bother at all, but if people like red maybe try for red? My gimpy butt thanks you for doing this.

Michelle *Mika* Slade >n.n<
Colony Touchstone 505 Morale Officer!
" Perks you up where you need it!"

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Michael L (IP Logged)
Date: August 25, 2014 08:15PM

I liked them because I can never see in the woods at night without a flashlight, so at least I could manage to find my way out if I got lost.

My first game at Ye Olde Commons started with being chased into the woods from the bridge and I had no idea where I was and I had to go bushwacking and wade to the river to find my way out and it was pretty horrible. I imagine these help greatly with people who aren't too familiar with the basic paths so no one else has to do that.

Basil Williams

Hopeless Idealist
Marshal Service Forensics Expert/Senior Deputy Marshal
Exploracorps Field Member
Eternal Optimist

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Cassandra D (IP Logged)
Date: August 26, 2014 12:10AM

They didn't kill my night vision and helped me see where the trails actually went.

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Thomas G (IP Logged)
Date: August 26, 2014 06:47AM

I went out after dark on Saturday night to refresh the glowsticks (as did Will/Orion and Brady/Vol, so we can ask their opinion too). The now-24-hours-old glowsticks were much dimmer, but still perfectly bright enough to work as breadcrumbs in the dark of that forest.

Unless someone has a use for a lot of blue/white glowsticks, the short-term solution might be to crack the ones we have the night or morning before we have to put them out. Then when we run out of this batch, we can get red ones. I sort of figure that they primarily work as a path guide which even a day old they still worked well for (that's why they were in the middle of the path, by the way -- the idea was that if you went straight from one to the next nearest, you'd be on a path, but that might've been worth communicating at opening meeting). Although apparently some people actually used them to see where they were putting their feet, which this would mostly lose out on.

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Brian P (IP Logged)
Date: August 26, 2014 12:27PM

I think you should keep using them as you did last event, and when it is time to order a new batch try out some red glowsticks.

Brian Paul!
-Prop Boss, Plot Team, Rules Comm, Other Stuff

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Brady T (IP Logged)
Date: August 26, 2014 02:00PM

I'm with Thomas on this one. They were a little too bright for those who wanted night vision but serve an important function for those without. The red lights or day old blue are a good compromise. I favor the middle of the road follow me style, with possibly a different color for hazards.

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Brian P (IP Logged)
Date: August 26, 2014 02:09PM

Yes, I like placing them in the middle of the path. Lets anyone who is lost easily figure out how to navigate the paths.

Brian Paul!
-Prop Boss, Plot Team, Rules Comm, Other Stuff

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Whitney M (IP Logged)
Date: August 26, 2014 04:56PM

I was trying to think about how to deal with hazards, but there are so many hazards on that forest path...

I approve of the day old blue option for now. This means I don't have to justify owning 125 aqua glow sticks. I'll get red next time though.

Magnus Rymaus Blair Allen

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Chelsea S (IP Logged)
Date: August 26, 2014 09:33PM

Maybe Orange for the hazards? Or they have striped ones too.

Michelle *Mika* Slade >n.n<
Colony Touchstone 505 Morale Officer!
" Perks you up where you need it!"

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Jennifer C (IP Logged)
Date: August 30, 2014 09:34PM

I'm always in favor of having hazards marked and paths marked. I don't remember those affecting my night vision.

I've started experimenting with keeping one eye closed when I have to go in a well lit area so I can keep night vision in one eye.

Also, wanted to share a resource we used for our wedding for glow sticks at awesome prices in bulk: www.glowuniverse.com

Magnus Sulara Parity Blue
Colonial Defense Force
Gimel Yoga Instructor

My name is Blue and it's been ___ days since my last trip to the Bed.

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: William B (IP Logged)
Date: September 2, 2014 03:35PM

Having gone on the light-refresh run, I would say with a certainty that freshly-cracked white/blue light sticks destroyed my night vision and that I would prefer red as a safe and non-disruptive way to light the path. (Sometimes, something catches your attention and you blind yourself in the dark by looking directly at a light source, causing safety issues as you lose track of what you were able to see with nightvision seconds ago).

Was this already a donation or was it a player-side initiative? A bunch of red glow sticks might make a good item for the donation list.

They can still make their way out IG as a staple of colony life, imho; it's a good reason for a patrol or a small run.

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Stu A (IP Logged)
Date: September 2, 2014 04:48PM

Could use the blues for locks.

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Whitney M (IP Logged)
Date: September 2, 2014 07:41PM

It was player side. I will get red glow sticks next time, but in the meantime we will crack the blue ones the night before, so they will be much dimmer and less night vision destroying.

I would just switch to red now, but I still have 125 blue glow sticks. If the dimmer ones are still a problem at Fall 2, I'll bite the bullet and get red for Spring 1.

They will stay an IG task for Saturday night though! smiling smiley

RE: hazard glow sticks. I just moved and have no money. If someone wants to facilitate acquiring another color of glow sticks for hazards, I will use lair's shout-y CDF logistics fu to make sure they get put on hazards. If you are interested, tell me!

The site Jennifer linked to is great!

Magnus Rymaus Blair Allen

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Chris M (IP Logged)
Date: September 2, 2014 08:29PM

What's the price? Ori doesn't go out at night, but that doesn't mean I don't want my friends safe

Orehitna Cresrore
CEO /Operator Catalyst Card Room (Now on Touchstone)
Three Man Statistician / Coffer minder / Administrator

Re: Forest Glow Sticks?!
Posted by: Steph T (IP Logged)
Date: September 2, 2014 08:43PM

This is entirely player-organized and funded. I just throw UP at it.


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