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Cleanup Points Awarded
Posted by: Amber R (IP Logged)
Date: January 3, 2014 06:19PM

Hello there colonists,

Having finally recieved the last of the info I needed in order to get the last points from the fall season awarded (cleanup), these have been taken care of.

I realize this is 11th hour. Therefore,

If you
A: Were waiting on UP for temp skill purchases and haven't yet put in the help request for them
B: Have a problem with your cleanup points...

... I will extend your due date for the help request to get the problem sorted out for you til midnight on Saturday instead of Friday (I wish I could do longer,but I print first thing Sunday morning as its my only non workday between this second and the event).

Thanks again for your patience, and my sincere apologies for the last minute nature of this update.


Retired Logistics Goddess

Neve O'Brien(RIP), Magnus Sulara Oratia Somerton, Songbird, Elias Amory, Dr. Ara Grintner (formerly ZG) , Jane Sawyer, and Grace (just Grace)

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