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Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Brandon W (IP Logged)
Date: June 10, 2012 11:29PM

"Look Fawkes, Grinner sent me flowers"
"Now doctor Swann, you know and I know that boy's not conscientious enough for that"
"I don't care what you say Fawkes, I think he sent them to me and they're wonderful"
::half an hour later
"Why didn't you tell me it wasn't him?!"

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Amber R (IP Logged)
Date: June 11, 2012 06:21AM

Well, since someone else had specifically told me that they saw Grinner purchase them for me.... Evil, evil players...

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Michel S (IP Logged)
Date: June 11, 2012 07:07AM


that is all

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Wendy M (IP Logged)
Date: June 11, 2012 07:11AM

A few bonding moments between mom and daughter as the Cauchy's await their fate:

Dana: Sophia, you know he only thinks with one organ!
Sophia: Yeah but he's really good with that one organ!
(Dana smacks Sophia so hard she bruised me and made my ears ring. I so deserved that!)

A few minutes later:
Dana (pointing to Fawkes): Sophia, what's wrong with him.
Sophia: Mom, he's an automaton.
Dana: His genetics are still fine and won't corrupt yours.
Fawkes (to Sophia): Is she saying what I think she's saying?

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Chris M (IP Logged)
Date: June 11, 2012 09:06AM

Shlea's extremely loud rant Friday night. on the possible fate of Sophia's Shockblade.

To quote it accurately would require some questionable language, so if you somehow missed it, send a PM and I'll quote it to you. My ears are still ringing

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Steph T (IP Logged)
Date: June 11, 2012 09:09AM

So this was evidently the weekend of people telling my characters about my other characters...

Jamie: Have you met Lola?
Diva: Uh, no...
Jamie: Well you SHOULD, she's FABULOUS!
(repeated several times with variations)

(a little later)
Tabur: Do you know Lola?
Dr. Zarra: Uh, no, but I hear she's fabulous...
(Nolan violently spit-takes into a cup.)


Lola: So I hear the bar is profitable...
D-Trip: Yeah, I did not expect that. Have you seen that woman?
Lola: No...
D-Trip: She is a walking crime against hair.

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Tim M (IP Logged)
Date: June 11, 2012 09:24AM

Brad as the " Cast-Iron King of Core" said, "I was a terrible failure in life, failed at everything I ever tried. Until, I found my skillset, my skillset is the skillet." quite possibly, one of my favorite quotes of all time.

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Wendy M (IP Logged)
Date: June 11, 2012 09:32AM

Fawkes was awesome the whole time the Cast-Iron King of Core was out. I don't think I've ever seen him so excited about something, ever. It was actually the one time all event I wished I playing Sophia and not Jane!

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Brandon W (IP Logged)
Date: June 11, 2012 09:49AM

"Oh yeah? Well how about the loose-yer-bowels-boar?" *wince*
yoshi whirls, an astonished look on his face "Impossible. It cannot be cooked!"

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Amanda S (IP Logged)
Date: June 11, 2012 01:40PM

Sammich: Franco! It's an emergency! There's no more bananas!

Orion: (Refering to Nolan being knocked out. Again.) Whoo! 3-Nap!

Nolan's telling a story to D-Trip and I, involving someone he knew on Homestead, a codpiece, and exploding...bits. The whole while, D-Trip's shooting Nolan as the story progresses.
D-Trip: I'd love to pay you, but all I have are gun-pesos!

Nolan: (To me at breakfast, Sunday morning) It's like Canaries and Miners.When the canary gets their omelet, the miners know they're getting theirs soon too! You're an omelet canary!

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Thomas G (IP Logged)
Date: June 11, 2012 04:46PM

Poor Vance and his Fragile... devices.

The scene: Nolan is late to the Rahdio Play down at the Autoforge. First on the scene is the Frostie, Vincent, who tells him he's wanted. Nolan starts coming along when Morgan runs up...

Morgan to Vincent: "Physics, Repel!"

... and literally grabs Nolan and runs off with him ( inspired by the apparent urgency, he sprints halfway across the field with her before he starts asking questions). Unbeknownst to him, Neely has offered a stack of resources to whoever gets him back the fastest.

The scene: Three man. Lifeblind is taking heavy fire from the crowd.

"Stop shooting me in the face! It's all I have!"

Then Morgan shot him in the gut.

The scene:
Jeff, the 14-year-old orphan, has been hired as a bartender at the Hole in the Hill as a sort of Welfare-to-Work. He's played by Matt Peairs, who is not 14. Brian Paul's businessman Kyriakos' comes up, and the orphan is explained to him. He cuts it off.

"Enough of this sob story. Explain to me how this fourteen-year old has a more magnificent beard than me."

Jeff had to take a moment to "grieve" in the corner while Matt regained his composure.

Later, the wedding planner spent a good while hitting on an oblivious Jeff before Jeanne leaned over and explained matters. Embarassment ensued.

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Steph T (IP Logged)
Date: June 11, 2012 04:51PM

"Hey Jamie. He's 14."

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Josh M (IP Logged)
Date: June 11, 2012 08:44PM

Some of my faves came during my Medtech shift, interacting with "Maintenance" to get players questions answers (incidentally, thank you so much for keeping in character as much as possible, it makes opportunities for what happened:

Maintenance: "So doc, whatcha wearing?"
Quinton: "A doctor's coat." Beat. "Why?"
Maintenance: "Nothin'. How many buttons ya got unbuttoned?"
Quinton: "One. Why?"
Maintenance: "I just lost three credits on a bet."
Maintenance: "...And then she should transfer the resources to the account 'pp', ok?"
Quinton: "Do you mean 'pp' like the letters or 'peepee' like the bodily function?"
Maintenance: "Like the letters! Get yer mind out of the gutter! You think we're messing with you?"
Quinton: "Wouldn't be the first time..."
Taking a break from a scientific conversation, Quinton walks to the water cooler to grab a drink. A lady maintenance worker walks up and looks him up and down.
Lady M: "I thought you said you had a button undone?"
Quinton: "The bottom one. It makes it easier to sit."
Lady M: "Let me know if you need any of the others unbuttoned."
I blushed.
Lady M: "Well, I gotta get back to cleaning the pipes. Feel free to drop by and lend me a hand." And she winked and left.
I blushed harder, and turned back to Arthur and Descent who had just been discussing the finer points of Math and Psychology with the good doc.
"I think that maintenance worker just hit on me."

I'm so happy we put the medcenter where we did, the RP opportunities have been amazing both events. Also, less huddling under an electric blanket for warmth.

-Josh Marcus
Head of Plot, FI 3

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Amanda S (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 04:41AM

Guys, we almost forgot the one that Derek said was destined for this thread. Don't even care that it was technically post-event.

"What is with you guys and my nipples?!"

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Steph T (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 10:27AM

Josh, we had so much fun thinking up things to call you. "Hee hee hee, now call him Slim! Now Sweetcheeks! Ask him what he's wearing!"

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Matthew P (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 11:50AM

"Utopia Ltd: We reach for the stars, and then strap them to our ankles."

Meriwether: "But at sufficiently high velocities, even an unmodified squirrel is a deadly projectile."

Meriwether, on the Underwater Banana Gun: "They'll never see it coming! You're all, 'Hey, I'm just gonna go take a swim with my banana,' and then BLAM!"

Nolan: "Hey Franco, they're about to burn a teenage girl's face off. Are you okay with that?"
Franco: "Enh, sure."

Meriwether: *holds a glass of water up to someone's face* "Does this smell radioactive to you?"

(I maybe had way too much fun as the mad scientist intern...)

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Morgan C (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 12:06PM

Maben: "Psych, Common Sense"
Zola: "Can you DO that?"
Maben: "I wish."

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 06/12/12 12:32PM

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Erin B (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 12:21PM

Pulse, Wilhelmina, and Ali are discussing Pulse's crude moonshine and how to market it. These are the highlights, both from Pulse:
"Pulse's Blue Ribbon: Lowering Expectations since CY1"
"Cold brewed in a cryo tube: Pulse's Blue Ribbon"

Glitch gave us my new favorite IG exclamation: "Sweet, buttery Mothership!"

Bradams as the Cast Iron King of Core owns this thread simply for "We're gonna have us a WARBEQUE!" Derek's contributions to the conversation as Steel Colander Yoshi made that interaction the single most insane thing I've ever seen at FI, hands down.

Nolan's story about his codpiece-wearing friend on Homestead was wonderful and worth the credits. Also, his explanation of throwing Psych, Pain at the monster was simple and effective: "I hurt the 'ting's feelings."

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Thomas G (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 01:04PM

Not a quote so much as an example the prime LARPing attributes of emoting and being willing to go for it, but Nolan wandered out of the comissary just as Grinner was talking about face-punchings. Nolan was all like, "You won't do it! Do it!" and Grinner was like "Really?" and Nolan was like "Uh, not really, I was talking to that guy!" and points to Elijah/Eliza. Who without missing a beat goes from zero to belligerent and starts towards him clearly intent on mayhem (I thought she was going to shadowbox me or something). Grinner holds her back, apparently defusing the situation, but actually just whispeing "Bio, Bestow Subdue Through Body." Nolan's sense of security has a half second to shatter before everyone in the comissary sees him flung back through the doors and roll ten feet to a stop.

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Amanda S (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 01:15PM

Matthew P Wrote:
> Meriwether: *holds a glass of water up to
> someone's face* "Does this smell radioactive to
> you?"

Oh, hey. That was me. (Unless that was done multiple times, in which case, I was one of those!)

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Amber R (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 01:28PM

Nolan's Hat...

Friday night, out as Doc Sophie. In easy and deliberate earshot of Nolan.

Grinner- Hey, Doc, did you hear that Nolan got beat up by a little girl with a broken whiffle ball bat, and that's how he lost his hat?
Doc S- [loud laughter]
Nolan- Tisn't what happened attall!
Doc S- Yea, well, its what we're going with. And what we're going to tell everyone we can find.

Nolan's long-suffering look was excellent.

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Matthew P (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 01:33PM

Amber R Wrote:
> Grinner- Hey, Doc, did you hear that Nolan got
> beat up by a little girl with a broken whiffle
> ball bat, and that's how he lost his hat?

Hold on, does anybody know where Samantha was that night?

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Morgan C (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 01:41PM

Maben's first real exchange of words with Otis...

*some shadowy figure coming up the hill*
CDF guy (I think Reuben?): "Who goes?"
Otis: "...Orange."
Guy: "Oh, hi Otis."
Maben: "Your name is 'Orange'?"
Otis: "No, that's just a nickname."
Maben: "How did you acquire the nickname 'Orange'?"
Otis: "Orange you glad I'm not a bug?"

(I know, right.)

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Thomas G (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 04:53PM

RIP, Otis.

Also not technically a quote (and a bit of a faux pas to point them out, since I was one of the ones writing them...), but check out the bio "Spotlights" in the Jinjia catalogue. "We are pleased to announce..."

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Erin B (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 05:54PM

I will personally offer hugs/baked goods/possibly real money to anyone who draws me the image I got when I read of D-trip's upcoming nuptials to his, what was it? "ever-expanding AutoForge account"?

All I could picture was a chibi D-trip glomping the terminal in the most kawaii way possible with hearts and smiley faces abound.

...and then Ali got shanked.

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Morgan C (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 06:02PM

...Challenge accepted. *cracks knuckles, grabs tablet*


[whisper]Psych, shield against stealth attack through screen.[/whisper]

Erin B Wrote:
> I will personally offer hugs/baked goods/possibly
> real money to anyone who draws me the image I got
> when I read of D-trip's upcoming nuptials to his,
> what was it? "ever-expanding AutoForge account"?
> All I could picture was a chibi D-trip glomping
> the terminal in the most kawaii way possible with
> hearts and smiley faces abound.
> ...and then Ali got shanked.

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Amanda S (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 06:06PM

And now I know what I'm drawing when I get home.

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Alex S (IP Logged)
Date: June 12, 2012 06:10PM

Thomas G Wrote:
> Poor Vance and his Fragile... devices.
> The scene: Nolan is late to the Rahdio Play down
> at the Autoforge. First on the scene is the
> Frostie, Vincent, who tells him he's wanted. Nolan
> starts coming along when Morgan runs up...
> Morgan to Vincent: "Physics, Repel!"
> ... and literally grabs Nolan and runs off with
> him ( inspired by the apparent urgency, he sprints
> halfway across the field with her before he starts
> asking questions). Unbeknownst to him, Neely has
> offered a stack of resources to whoever gets him
> back the fastest.

Oh man, that sucked, I was really wishing I had taken knockdown punch at that one! Ahh well, it was fun... And I got a drink out of it.

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Chris M (IP Logged)
Date: June 13, 2012 04:44AM

I almost forgot this... During Maben's experiment Sunday morning

Maben "He can still hit you."
Him" No I can't. I can't hit anyone"
Someone steps close to him
>Knockdown!< "But I can still lie!"

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Josh M (IP Logged)
Date: June 13, 2012 04:45AM

: D

-Josh Marcus
Head of Plot, FI 3

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Amber R (IP Logged)
Date: June 13, 2012 09:17AM

Can't remember who said it, but the tone of voice was awesome:

"Wow. Hello, Tory. You're looking awfully... floral."

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Stu A (IP Logged)
Date: June 14, 2012 11:35AM

Amber R Wrote:
> Can't remember who said it, but the tone of voice
> was awesome:
> "Wow. Hello, Tory. You're looking awfully...
> floral."

Deadpan straight, that was Dr Black.

My fav quote:

Grandpa: I'm having trouble seeing; I took a neutron bomb to the face.

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Steph T (IP Logged)
Date: June 14, 2012 11:44AM

Ore: "What I wouldn't do for a steak..."
Dr. Zarra: "A steak? I could make you a steak."
O: "Wait, really?"
Z: "Yes."
(conversation eventually turns to love and fidelity)
O: "I think I want a harem. Not that any woman would want to be a part of that..."
Z: "Well, fidelity is a sociopsychological construct, but..."
O: (continuing) "I mean, who would want to eat the same thing every day?"
Z: "I would if it was steak."

Re: Quotes Of The Event 6/10/12
Posted by: Sabrina A (IP Logged)
Date: June 15, 2012 04:58PM

not so much a quote as an epeic moment of sheer terrifying panik.

So Derek is out doing his things that he does, and he sees all of us in the commissary in the med center, so what does he do, Rams the window so hard, some shows look, and i looked and undying terror as i scream so loud and start crying as i truly got scared. but it was perfect, it was in that moment that the game was so real to everyone that it became more important to rid the monster from the colony.

Derek tells this story way better though....

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