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Year 4: Rides To Spring II
Posted by: William B (IP Logged)
Date: June 2, 2012 03:15PM

I have scanned over the most recent threads and didn't see this one yet, and I am in need of another helpful person's AMAZING CARPOOLING POWERS, as my usual menu options have recently changed. /prompt

I would appreciate assistance getting from Quincy, MA (or somewhere T-accessible) to site at Charlton, MA with one MAN-SIZED duffel bag of stuff. I would also greatly appreciate a return trip to bus/subway/home after the event is over.

If you can assist me (and my MAN-SIZED duffel bag) please send me a message.


-Will / Orion

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 06/02/12 03:16PM

Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: Michel S (IP Logged)
Date: June 2, 2012 03:25PM

My car just freed up, how far south with this "T" take you?

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 06/02/12 03:25PM

Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: William B (IP Logged)
Date: June 3, 2012 12:09PM

I believe Braintree is the fartheset South the T's subway goes.

For reference, Newton (near Riverside) is as far West as it goes, and Malden (near Oak Grove) is the farthest North. (And to the east, the sea. tongue sticking out smiley)

Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: Jacob B (IP Logged)
Date: June 3, 2012 12:20PM

I might be able to, I'll look at my route and see how close by it takes me. I really don't know my boston/T geography.

Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: Derek H (IP Logged)
Date: June 3, 2012 12:35PM

Another suggestion is to take the commuter rail to Worcester. This will get you to within a 20-minute drive of the camp.


Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: Matthew A (IP Logged)
Date: June 7, 2012 12:44PM

Are you all set with a ride?

Im coming from Plaistow NH and can swing down. I have a smaller car, but im sure we can fit stuff for 2 in it.


Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: Stu A (IP Logged)
Date: June 7, 2012 12:46PM

So both Orion and Joe are in Quincy and need rides? See if one person can help both?

Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: Matthew A (IP Logged)
Date: June 7, 2012 12:51PM

Hmm... Working on upgrading my ride to something bigger then my Mustang. I will keep informed. As of now I can Squeeze 1 person in my car.


Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: Chapman B (IP Logged)
Date: June 7, 2012 12:59PM

due to scheduling complexities, I'll have extra space for people and equipment (5-door wagon with 1 driver only, no gear), though my eventual destination is north of The Wall, in the Land of Always Winter(NH) I don't mind ferrying people around.

Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: Matthew A (IP Logged)
Date: June 7, 2012 01:35PM

OK, I have "upgraded" to a 7 passenger mini van. Who needs a ride and where are you located at?

Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: Amber R (IP Logged)
Date: June 7, 2012 01:46PM

Have I mentioned lately that I love how this community looks after each other?

You guys rock!

See you tomorrow smiling smiley

Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: Stephen H (IP Logged)
Date: June 7, 2012 05:01PM

Hmm. not sure where everybody landed on this, so I'll volenteer my services.

I have a car leaving from davis square in somerville. Probably leaving somewhere around
5-6ish. My house is right near the T stop, address is 22 campbell park.

Let me know if you want a ride from me.

-Steve / Jin

Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: William B (IP Logged)
Date: June 7, 2012 05:09PM

Still scrambling to secure a ride- Steve, are you taking off tonight?

Trying to figure out what I can and can't bring depending on the situation because as usual, I have last-minute projects to assemble. Sewing machine or combat armor? @#$!.

-Will (with his head on fire)

Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: William B (IP Logged)
Date: June 7, 2012 09:40PM

Ride secured, though I'm not 100% sure on Joe's status. I /think/ he has a ride, but if anyone else is currently coordinating with him, double-check.

Thanks a lot, everyone!


Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: Andrew B (IP Logged)
Date: June 7, 2012 10:24PM

Andrew B Wrote:
> Joe, I've got you covered, I'm giving Brandon
> (Wade) a ride as well so it'll let he drop him off
> at home as well, rather than having him take the T
> home.

Joe's all set

Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: Steph T (IP Logged)
Date: June 7, 2012 10:30PM

Holy crap Stephen you're coming!?!?

Are you bringing DanHore?

Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: Stephen H (IP Logged)
Date: June 8, 2012 09:40AM

Sadly no hore. He has a new job and is being generally lame as a result.

I'm Doctor Steve now, so I am no longer too busy to breathe.

Will: I plan to leave today at 5-6ish.

Re: Year 4: Rides To Spring Ii
Posted by: Steph T (IP Logged)
Date: June 8, 2012 10:33AM

Merciless Hore-mocking will commence immediately. smiling smiley

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