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A Bunch Of Newbie Questions
Posted by: Cassandra D (IP Logged)
Date: February 9, 2014 09:25AM

Hi. So I have a whole bunch of questions I hope people might be able to answer smiling smiley

1. In the packet for Equilibrium there are no mention of dates. How long was it after the "accident" before colonists were recalled?

2. Interim's packet has 2 pictures and enough information painting it as space western (a la Serenity), Korella's has 2 pictures and information on culture and notes everyone has at least one stylist accessory to give a general feel of sleek futuristic, Okyanos's paints a failed SeaQuest type setting with comments on culture and specific costume notes mentioning SeaQuest and Caprica and aging them, Euphoria's gives a great idea of culture but no real mention of outfits other than the world temperature and no pictures of the world. What type of biome is Euphoria and general flavor do clothing and gear have?

3. Equilibrium's packet gives great information on history and climate, but since there isn't much of a culture (everyone being so busy) it doesn't say much about clothing outside of "suits and other high quality clothing" for the Alephs. What type of flavor would tech and clothing from this colony have?

4. Is Glass getting its own packet too?

5. What kind of modern tech is allowable for props without the need of upkeep or devices? Watches? Magnets? Gas Masks?

6. Is EL wire okay?

7. Are LED accessories like earrings and hair combs okay?

8. Does footwear have to be boots?

9a. If external nerf modifications are legal how far can we go?

9b. Does Mountain Dew or Gatorade change colors as they age? Do they transmit LED light well?

10. What kinds of things would be in a physics kit? Ohmmeter? "Geiger counters"? Van de Graaff generators?

11. In "discipline skill in/effect out", can engineering be spent that way?

12. What size would a rifle like this count as? img0.etsystatic.com

13. How do we get characters made?

Thanks in advance for any help sorting out all these questions. I'm sure more will come to me.

Re: A Bunch Of Newbie Questions
Posted by: David R (IP Logged)
Date: February 9, 2014 07:46PM

There is a glass packet up. I don't have the link handy.

Re: A Bunch Of Newbie Questions
Posted by: David R (IP Logged)
Date: February 9, 2014 07:46PM

There is a glass packet up. I don't have the link handy.

Re: A Bunch Of Newbie Questions
Posted by: Telmo C (IP Logged)
Date: February 9, 2014 10:48PM

The packet is accessible from the shared docs folder, but a link to Glass did not get included in the main thread (yet).

Here is a direct link to the Glass setting document: drive.google.com

And here is a link to the shared docs folder: drive.google.com

Re: A Bunch Of Newbie Questions
Posted by: Telmo C (IP Logged)
Date: February 9, 2014 11:02PM

Re: Mechanics

11: Yes, any expendable skill may be used in devices with skill in / discipline out, including engineering. But engineering spent this way cannot be used in its regular manner (reducing device costs) in the same event.

12: I don't know if rifle sizes matter, other than for the Sniper perk. If you meant what skills are needed to use it, this is up to GunsComm, who will come up with a list of what gun represents what level, but if I had to make a guess, I'd say guns 3 (assuming it shoots regular darts from a clip, one at a time).

13: The rulebook describes the process of character creation in section 1: create a story, maybe pick a genetic classification, maybe pick a favored discipline, pick survival skill, spend character points, pick the first development action. And maybe reset it / redistribute the point within four events if you change your mind.

If you meant "how to enter new characters in the system", the website is going to be updated to support the new rules at some point, but it hasn't happened yet.

Re: A Bunch Of Newbie Questions
Posted by: Cassandra D (IP Logged)
Date: February 10, 2014 01:43AM

Thanks for your responses.

12. I was actually asking about the size as far as device creation. That size increases or decreases complexity and what strength is needed to carry it.

Re: A Bunch Of Newbie Questions
Posted by: John R (IP Logged)
Date: February 10, 2014 09:04AM

12. For starters, the prop can always be bigger than the actual device category. That's a big, two handed item, so I think you could make it heavy, portable, streamlined or miniature. The implication of making it streamlined would be that you made it lightweight, despite its size. The implication of making it miniature would be that you stealthily concealed the active parts to disguise that it's a device.


Re: A Bunch Of Newbie Questions
Posted by: Josh M (IP Logged)
Date: February 10, 2014 04:57PM

Seconding what John said.

-Josh Marcus
Head of Plot, FI 3

Re: A Bunch Of Newbie Questions
Posted by: Wendy M (IP Logged)
Date: February 12, 2014 04:52PM

Some help for you, keep in mind I'm a player and not cast/staff.

5. What kind of modern tech is allowable for props without the need of upkeep or devices? Watches? Magnets? Gas Masks?

We used to have a section in the old rulebook where this sort of thing was called out. The spirit was always electronics that are cheap and don't have an in game effect were ok. Watches and magnets, definitely fine. A gas mask: that seems like a device to me.

6. Is EL wire okay?

I use it a lot, and was told (in the new rules) that any device can have added electronics bling (like lights), but mundane items (i.e. non-in game devices) would need procedure to light up. I'm not sure if rules comm is backing that ruling or if they have a new idea, but I'd be interested to hear it as well.

7. Are LED accessories like earrings and hair combs okay?

Same as above: though, I would really like to argue these should be device or procedure powered....mostly because I LOVE the idea and want to make them!

8. Does footwear have to be boots?

This camp is not as wooded as the CT site you are used to. The main area is actually pretty level (minus a steepish hill that leads from the main buildings to a field. I do not worry as much about rolling an ankle here. With my ankles, I'm comfortable running around in my rain boots or sneakers. But, keep in mind the field gets wet. Boots help with that.

9b. Does Mountain Dew or Gatorade change colors as they age? Do they transmit LED light well?

I've never tried...seems like a good chem experiment!

10. What kinds of things would be in a physics kit? Ohmmeter? "Geiger counters"? Van de Graaff generators?

I've seen all of those things in a physics kit smiling smiley

12. What size would a rifle like this count as? img0.etsystatic.com
We haven't been told the new gun guidelines yet. We normally have a list of "This counts as guns x". If you look on the rules board you can see the current list, but it may change with the new rules. That thread would be the place to ask this question.

13. How do we get characters made?
The website has not yet been updated for our characters. I expect that is to be announced.

Rymaus Liena “Ellie” Dax

Re: A Bunch Of Newbie Questions
Posted by: Steph T (IP Logged)
Date: February 19, 2014 04:44PM

Sorry to be so slow to respond! I was distracted by a million other FI things.

1. In the packet, it mentions that the University takes about a year to take off, and expands from there, but too late. We haven't defined exactly how many years the colony is around after the calamity and before the recall; "not many" is implied. We don't like to nail down too many hard details because it limits your creativity, so make a rough guess if you want to build a history in that point, and we'll let you know if it deviates strongly from what we think is OK (or, maybe cryoburn just means your memory is a bit warped).

(Basically, cryoburn memory loss means no one remembers every detail of prior colonies. We use this to create interesting plot surprises. Enjoy it. smiling smiley )

2. Euphoria is a perfect world without crime! Everyone is happy in Euphoria! Clothing is comfortable and nice because everyone is nice in Euphoria!

Nothing is particularly defined because we'd like you to feel free to come up with it.

3. Similar to above, we aren't defining or restricitng it. Non-scientists have sturdy utilitarian clothing and tech is pretty utilitarian and survival-oriented.

(Unlike many games, we don't draw much plot from character history. It's there for you to have a basis for your character, perhaps weave a few other PCs into your history to start a group; but your actions and interactions in game are what's important at FI.)

4. Oops, linked. It's been up for a while, as noted.

5. Most mundane items are okay, as Wendy has stated. If you wanted a gas mask to just be an aesthetic, non-functional costume piece, that would be okay, but it wouldn't actually function like a gas mask device to protect you from environmental effects.

6 & 7. We don't have a hard rule, but since folks like to use EL and LEDs to denote their shiny, shiny devices I'd strongly prefer to keep that to devices/created tech. Also, so that an enterprising player could create the procedure "Production, Create Blinky Jewelry" or something. (Note: science team has not approved that procedure, I'm pulling it out of my butt.)

8. No, but it's recommended. The site is pretty flat as Wendy said, but often muddy. Wear something you'll be comfortable walking around in all weekend.

9a. More info required. Cosmetic modifications are generally okay as long as they're not unsafe in some way I'm not thinking of (adding spikes or sharp edges bad, changing the outline to look awesome and spacey good). Things that make it shoot further or harder are Not Endorsed and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis at checkin. (Generally we shoot a volunteer and/or you with it, and if they flinch, we no-go the gun.)

9b. I have no idea.

10. Sure, sounds fun!

11, 12, 13. Telmo & John nailed it.

Welcome to FI!

Head of Plot

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