Spring 2 Virtual Event 2021
Posted by:
Josh M (IP Logged)
Date: May 31, 2021 09:31PM
Schedule for this weekend, June 4th through 6th:
3pm - 7 pm: I will be around & hanging out if people have the time free, but not strictly programmed time. Maybe some board games, maybe a movie?
7 pm - 11 pm: I would like to do a player run "No Bullshit Guide" to what's going on in the world. If there are no takers I will run it from Benji's point of view as head of maintenance. It will be accurate to the extent of what it commonly known & accepted publicly & I will caveat where public information is scarce or shoddy.
10 am - 2 pm: Hangout, shoot the breeze, answer follow up questions from Friday.
2 pm - 6 pm: I think this would be the ideal time to watch a movie, since the Econ round table, to accomodate the largest number of participants possible, will be happening in the next time slot. Current offer is Paprika, a very trippy Anime.
7 pm - 11 pm: Economics Round Table discussing the in-game economy. I want to talk about what our assumptions are for how much NPCs charge for Devices, AMPs, and Consumables/Procedures so we don't stifle the player market for them, as well as how much money typical NPCs are willing to spend on stuff. I have some assumptions, but I think it would be constructive to air them with people's feedback.
10 pm - 2 pm: ColonyNet round table. I want to discuss what we currently see as the path forward for making hacking a reality inside of mods, how we all want to handle/enable virtual mods going forward, and the logistics of having public terminals in-game (good on-site Wi-Fi being paramount).
2 pm - 6 pm: New Player Recruitment & Retention round table. What can we do to bring new people in? What sets us apart from other Larps? What attracts people to FI that we do well? What can we do to reduce the burden on current members traveling from away? Folks with disabilities how can we better accommodate you?
6 pm - 10 pm: Online Boardgaming & hanging out.
-Josh Marcus
Head of Plot, FI 3
Edited 1 times. Last edit at 02/11/22 09:48PM