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Ig Pay Logistics
Posted by: Wendy M (IP Logged)
Date: January 15, 2020 11:28AM

If I’ve been assigned to medical when I thawed, but I joined the cdf and became a Ryamus, but I just passed the first medical
Exam, how does that work? Can we climb two advancement ladders at the same time?

Rymaus Liena “Ellie” Dax

Re: Ig Pay Logistics
Posted by: Josh M (IP Logged)
Date: January 19, 2020 06:59PM

Probably better asked in-character, but the short of it is that you would be paid according to your current active assignment that you are performing during the Work Cycle. If you have meanwhile climbed the ladder for your original posting and choose to retire from the CDF you would have that option open to you to not start at the bottom of the ladder on the Medical pay scale.

-Josh Marcus
Head of Plot, FI 3

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